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Whiplash, Headache and Neck Pain

A textbook and practical clinical handbook for all students and practitioners concerned with the evaluation, diagnosis, assessment and management of neck pain and cervical headache particularly in relation to whiplash. It is likely to become essential study for final year physiotherapy and chiropractic students, for all manipulative physiotherapy MSc students and a widely used clinical ref text for all involved in the assessment and management of whiplash and related neck and head pain.

Key Features

 This book presents the applied sciences, clinical assessment methods and rehabilitation protocols for the management of persons with neck pain.
 The material presented in this book represents the translation of research into clinical practice and provides a systematic approach to assessment and an evidence base for conservative clinical management strategies for neck pain.
 Unique topics in this book include:
• Provides an understanding of the pathophysiological processes in the sensory, motor and sensorimotor systems and how they present in patients with neck pain disorders.
• Presents multimodal approaches to management of neck pain guided by the evidence of presenting dysfunctions
• Presents a comprehensive description of a therapeutic exercise approach based on motor control which has proven efficacy.

Table of Contents

Section 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction

Section 2 Applied Clinical Sciences

Chapter 2 Sensory manifestations of neck pain

Chapter 3 tructure and Function of the Cervical Region

Chapter 4 Alterations in Cervical Muscle Function in Neck Pain

Chapter 5 The Cervical Spine and Sensorimotor Control

Chapter 6 Disturbances in Postural Stability, Head and Eye Movement Control in Cervical Disorders

Chapter 7 Psychological and Psychosocial Factors in Neck Pain

Section 3 Whiplash, Headache and Cervico-brachial Pain

Chapter 8 Whiplash Associated Disorders

Chapter 9 Cervicogenic Headache: Differential Diagnosis

Chapter 10 Differential Diagnosis of Cervico-brachial Pain

Section 4 Therapeutics for Cervical Disorders

Chapter 11 Clinical assessment: The Patient Interview and History

Chapter 12 Clinical Assessment: The Physical Examination

Chapter 13 Principles of Management of Cervical Disorders

Chapter 14 Therapeutic Exercise for Cervical Disorders: Practice Pointers

Section 5 Conclusion

Chapter 15 Future Directions

Hardcover ISBN: 9780443100475
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
Published Date: 25th March 2008
Page Count: 260